Kalam for Islam’s Defenders

The Importance of Traditional Islamic Theology (Kalam) for Today's Defenders of Islam

Traditional works of Islamic Theology serve as a treasure trove for contemporary defenders of Islam's pure Creed. Early Sunni Mutakallimun (theologians) were masters at deconstructing philosophies of their time and earlier periods. They directly engaged with these ideas using sound & rational arguments against them while fiercely defending the purity of Islamic beliefs.

Modern Applications of Classical Knowledge & Sharh al-Aqa'id al-Nasafiyyah

As noted, many modern philosophies demonstrably have roots in older traditions. Therefore, access to classical works in Islamic Theology is essential for aspiring scholars. By studying them, they can be further empowered to tackle contemporary issues.

Allama Taftazani's Sharh al-Aqa'id al-Nasafiyyah exemplifies this point. A careful study of this Islamic Theology text allows students to identify connections between philosophies masterfully refuted by the Allama and those found in modern thought. In essence, they are one and the same thing.

For instance, Allama Taftazani in the commentary refutates the 'laa adriyya' group who directly resonate with the foundations of modern hard scepticism. Similarly, the roots of modern relativism can be found in the 'indiyyah' group whom the Allama also vehemently refutes in his marvellous commentary.

The Power of Historical Context

By understanding the trajectory of arguments and the arguments themselves, as presented in traditional Islamic Theology works, modern scholars can develop even stronger refutations of today's batil ideas. May Allah grant us tawfiq in this pursuit.

For more insight, have a look at our course on Imam ‘Aḍud-Dīn Al-Ījī's, al-‘Aqā’id al-‘Aḍudīyyah.



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Shiraz to the Farangi Mahall