Study Al-Aqa’id Al-Adudiyyah

Written by the 13th Century CE polymath Ash’ari scholar and the teacher of Imam al-Taftazani and Mir al-Sayyid al-Sharif al-Jurjani, Allamah Adu al-Din al-Iji

What is the text, Al-Aqa’id Al-Adudiyyah?

This is a classical work within the Dars-i-Nizāmī curriculum, traditionally studied alongside Imam Jalāl al-Din Dawwānī's commentary. While concise, this matn is rich in content, demanding close study. An in-depth exploration of this matn will equip students with a unique & comprehensive understanding of ilm al-Kalām. 

Tell me more about the course…

  • Text: The text for this course is originally written in Arabic, but a complete English translation is provided to the students.

  • Commentary: A traditional, concise commentary delivered alongside the reading to complement the course length.

  • Benefits: Completing a thorough study of al-‘Aqā’id al-‘Aḍudīyyah, combined with a strong foundation in Arabic, Logic, and Philosophy, will equip students of knowledge to:

    • Access classical epistles/books in the science of Kalam.

    • Begin an in-depth study of Kalam within the Farangī Mahallī curriculum.


  • Start Date: Wednesday 8 May 2024 at 9:15 PM BST (London).

  • Frequency: Fortnightly (every other week).

  • End Date: Wednesday, 14 August, 2024.

  • Course Lecturer: Ustadh Shams Tameez, guest lecturer at Khairabadi Institute

  • Course Fee: £60 Complete Course.

  • Proficiency in Arabic is recommended but not conditional

  • Discussions are catered to a range of levels, from beginner to advanced. However, the general theme and content of the course are geared towards beginner and intermediate learners / students of knowledge.

  • All classes take place on Zoom.

  • Recordings of sessions with unlimited success are provided, following sessions.